"Ce mai faci tu, cel mai iubit dintre pământeni?"

You say…

„You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close your windows when wind blows. This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too.”

–  William Shakespeare

What do you say?

A.L., A., ATS, L., R., R., S., S., S. & S.T.

37 responses

  1. ATS.

    Hmm, spun ca urasc soarele, iubesc vantul si de plaie, hmm, E UDA!
    :))=)) :3 Mufaa>:D<

    iunie 23, 2011 la 21:36

  2. Pingback: Noaptea Sanzienelor…. « lunapatrata

  3. Pingback: persuasiune,manipulare si santaj emotional « Rokssana's Blog

  4. Pingback: Kuss « schtiel

  5. Voi spune că încerc. Să ţin la soare, la vânt, la cer, la tot. Şi la tine.

    iunie 24, 2011 la 16:36

  6. Pingback: Thoughts… « androxa

  7. Pingback: The seedling… « androxa

  8. Pingback: Dreams can come true… « androxa

  9. Pingback: Be careful what you dream for… « androxa

  10. Pingback: My pleasure… « androxa

  11. Pingback: The fork in the road… « androxa

  12. Pingback: Come… « androxa

  13. Pingback: Sit « schtiel

  14. Pingback: The man with the child in his eyes… « androxa

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  16. Pingback: Hunger…. « androxa

  17. Pingback: Do not follow… « androxa

  18. Pingback: Mylène « schtiel

  19. Pingback: Doom…. « androxa

  20. Pingback: It doesnt interest me… « androxa

  21. Geniala!
    Si totusi eu spun tot cu aceleasi cuvinte dar sensul mai difrit, mai pozitiv si mai profund ^^
    Te iubesc! atunci cand soarele straluceste mai tare ,
    Cand ma afund in picurii de ploaie,
    Cand plutesc in vant,
    Te iubesc si atat. ❤

    iunie 29, 2011 la 01:05

  22. Pingback: miercurea fara cuvinte -9 (Wordless Wednesday) « Rokssana's Blog

  23. Pingback: The mask she wears…. « androxa

  24. Pingback: Miercurea fara cuvinte..9…Its all fading away…. « androxa

  25. Pingback: SEO & other stuff 4 « schtiel

  26. Regeret

    I say that I love my thougths but sometimes they haunt me so much that I just want to block them out.
    The same thing goes for the people around me.

    (I also say that I literally hate dogs but I still try to live around them…so it’s somewhat a win-win situtation)

    iunie 30, 2011 la 00:14

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